So my little friends are sort of struggling with this whole 3 letter blend thing so I decided to make a little something to help us out. They can read them...but to spell them in their daily writing appears to be a little tough! We always talk about how blends are sort of easy because if you just stretch them out, you can hear all of the sounds. We always pretend we're stretching a really big rubber band when we're doing this but I decided that maybe this group needed it to be a little more concrete. I want their sticky little fingers (I say that in the most lovingly way) to physically stretch these blends out and practice reading and writing their words. :)
Here's what I've made...nothing too exciting but I'm hoping it's the ticket to blend heaven for us next week!
I cut a rubber band and taped the letters so that we can s-t-r-e-t-ch them out!
I printed them out on regular paper and it seemed to work. The plan is to then add the word ending and practice reading them with friends.
Once we're done reading them, we're going to write with them. I made up this simple worksheet for them to practice writing sentences. Again, nothing fancy shmancy but hopefully it's to the point and will help them out! If you're interested, click on the image below for the worksheet.
Here are the individual blends and word endings I made. Help yourself! (We use Treasures as our reading series...I don't use the series as much, but I do follow the same skills the series uses. These blends are taught in Book 3 Week 5. I think the story is Gram and Me.)
The sun is shining in Ohio! I think I'm over this whole praying for a snowstorm thing so we can have a snow day...bring on Spring!