So I'm breaking Blogging Rule more than one post per day...but I found this linky party and I wanted to join in on the fun!
When I first started blogging this past summer, I joined a few linky parties and they were really kind of fun! It was a great way to find and meet new teachers and share ideas. I haven't had the courage to host one myself yet because I don't know all of the ins and outs of them and I had a really hard time this school year keeping up with my own blog but one of my resolutions is to blog and share more! Anyway, I decided to link up with Kristin @ A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Hadar @ Miss Kindergarten in their "11 in 11" linky party! (At least I think I linked up correctly...still learning...I only linked myself on Kristin's blog...hope that was right!)

11. Favorite Movie You Watched
My favorite movie this year would have to be Tangled.
10. Favorite TV Series
Modern Family cracks me up every week! The dynamics of that family/ funny!

Modern Family cracks me up every week! The dynamics of that family/ funny!

9. Favorite Restaurant
Our downtown area is starting to make a revitalization and offer more so that the residents of Sandusky can come downtown for dining, shopping, and entertainment. There's a few new restaurants in Sandusky, Ohio but Water Street Bayfront Bar and Grille is one of my new favorites...especially in the summer. They have a patio that offers a view of the bay and is located in a central part of our downtown area. They make the best fried pickles...definitely a guilty pleasure of mine!
8. Favorite New Thing You Tried
My blog...even though it's no where near to where I want it to be it's a start.
7. Favorite Gift You Received
Oh my gosh...I'm totally in LOVE with my Keurig! My sisters and their husbands got it for me for Christmas this year with a ton...I mean a ton of different coffees to try! I'm set! Bring on the snow days!
6. Favorite Thing You Pinned
I love everything I've pinned on Pinterest! Great ideas for my classroom and holidays. Yummy treats, dreams for the future, decorative stuff and fun crafts to attempt in all of my free time! :)
5. Favorite Blog Post
I loved blogging about my classroom tree. It was a huge project that started as a little idea in my head that actually came to be thanks to the help of my entire family and awesome art teacher. I realized that I hadn't shown any pictures of my fall leaves and now my branches are bare and waiting for that first snowfall. I'll post pictures...I promise.
4. Favorite Accomplishment
Finishing the classes required to receive my principalship license! Yippee!
3. Favorite Picture
2. Favorite Memory
Hands down...our trip to Disney World. My family and I never went to Disney when we were young but we did go with our high school band to perform over spring break. I love watching the faces of not only my nieces and nephew but also those of complete strangers. Magic Kingdom is such an amazing place and I think every child should experience it. You can't help but turn into a child once you walk through those gates. What am I talking about? Even the drive into Disney World is full of anticipation! I'm so grateful to my brother-in-law, who is also a "Dis-Dad" for all of his research and planning so that we can spend a full week in Disney for Spring Break 2012. Never did I ever imagine I would be fortunate enough to visit more than once...let alone experience it with my nieces and nephew for the past 4 years. Here's our most recent picture with Cinderella in her castle...we met her for lunch on the day of our visit.
Why yes...those are matching green t-shirts that were all personalized and created by my brother-in-law (on the left-side of the picture)! At the time...I was like...OMG...matching shirts...matching lime green t-shirts...that's so not me! is the way to do it. When Mary Poppins addressed my niece by her first name...her face was priceless! And I kind of dug it too when The Fairy Godmother said, "It was nice to meet you, Aunt Jenn." :)
1. Goal for 2012
Geesh! There are so many...hmmm...I think I need to work on a healthy balance between school, family, friends, and personal life. The past few years have been crazy busy with just about everything imaginable...I'd like to slow down and appreciate the little things a bit more.
I really need to do a better job of teaching Science to my first graders. It should be such an easy thing to do with my inquisitive friends but I have a hard time squeezing it in between everything else. Plus...we have new standards...and I'm just going to be's not interesting for kids. They want to learn about space, dinosaurs, and how to make gooey stuff...not:
Sunlight warms Earth’s land, air and water. The amount of exposure to sunlight affects the amount of warming or cooling of air, water and land. |
That's just one of them...needless to say, I'm on the hunt for some amazing bloggers at the primary level who will inspire my scientific side. If anyone knows of any, please share!
Oh! And I want to be a better blogger!
Happy New Year!