(What a week! Again...can't share the nitty gritty...but geesh!)

So...here it is...a little giveaway for my 100+ followers. I'm so grateful to all of you! I really don't feel like I blog about anything stellar but I'm so appreciative of all of you! Your comments make my day and your blogs inspire me to be not only a better teacher but a better person as well. I've been thinking about what I wanted to do for my little celebration and I wanted it to be really unique. As teachers, I feel like we always try to bring a little magic into our classrooms each day...and sometimes it's really easy and let's just be honest...sometimes it's tough. But we go in and do what's best for kiddos everyday.
Tomorrow I'm heading to the magical world of Disney for a full week of Spring Break fun with my sister, her husband and her two adorable daughters.

The rest of our family (mom, dad, my other sister, her husband and another cute niece and fun nephew) are heading to the beach and will meet us at Magic Kingdom on Tuesday for the day. I LOVE watching their faces when they see their favorite characters in real life. Their excitement is contagious and you can't help but feel like a 6 year old yourself when you walk through those gates. I am also in awe of the cast of Disney and they way they interact with their guests. It's just magical!
So I started thinking...what if we could bring in some of those Disney standards of imagination and engagement into our classrooms? Now, I'm not saying that I think we should have Mickey Mouse themed bulletin boards and activities but I do think our classrooms and schools could benefit from a little magic every once in awhile! So while I'm plotting to meet Prince Charming and have him leave Cinderella and ask me to move into the castle with him (that's what I told my kiddos I was going to do), :) I'm going to be searching the parks for some fun things we could weave into our classroom routines. I don't know exactly what yet...but I know I'll find a few treasures!
So...the rules! And I'm keeping it simple again!
1. Follow my blog.
2. Blog about my giveaway.
3. Post my blog button with your post. (I'm still in love with my blog layout from Lauren @ The First Grade Diaries!)
4. Leave me a comment that you did #1 and #2 with a link to your post.
5. Wish upon a star...your dream just might come true! :) (I had to write that...cue my dorky side.)
This is my niece making a wish at Cinderella's Royal Table last year!
Easy, right? So you have all week to enter! I'll choose the winner on Easter Sunday via that Random Generator thingy so make sure you enter by Saturday evening (April 7)! I'm not sure how much blogging will get done this week but you'll be able to live through my tweets if you want! You can find me on Twitter @ Jennifer_Long1!
Hope all is well!