Thanks for all of the kind comments on my classroom set-up! I have loved looking at everyone else's classrooms here in blogland! It's like looking through magazines and picking out features for my dream house one day! I love how we all try to make our classrooms look less like a classroom and more of a home away from home for ourselves and our kids. I wish I could snap a few pictures of the classrooms at my school but it would be a huge post of pictures...we have some amazing classrooms in our school filled with some pretty clever ideas. There's a kindergarten class that has a camping theme this year and it's adorable! Complete with a tent and campfire! She's hung graham cracker boxes, marshmallow bags, and chocolate wrappers from her ceiling and her alphabet is actually made out of wood! So stinkin' cute! Several of the teachers in my building have a pirate flair in their classroom and it's so fun! Our school mascot is a pirate and I think it's important for the kiddos to have pride in their school so I try to pull as much school pride into my classroom as I can...but when I see those other themes, I secretly wish I would change it up a bit....but then we're I stick with what I have!
On a serious note....especially to those teachers at my building who are secretly following need to blog! You're so amazing and I know my bloggy friends will think you're pretty cool too!
I used to post all of my classroom information on a webpage using iWeb but since Mobile Me moved to iCloud, I dropped my webpage and started a new blog called, "Shiver Me Firsties". I'm hoping that my families will subscribe to it so that they find it helpful and informative. Right now it's pretty basic and has information about the beginning of the year but head on over and check it out if you want. I'm hoping to have the kiddos be guest bloggers eventually.
No button or signature yet but I have a close friend who was in the mood for a challenge so she's working on it!
I really should head into school today but we have a family reunion to go to...needless to say, I'm packing my book bag...just in case.
Oh...did I tell you that this whole past week I've been battling a major cold/sinus thing/coughing sickness? Yeah. I sounded like a frog at my open house. I think I'm definitely on the mend but geesh! It through me for a loop...I was miserable with so much to do!
Oh...and just one more Principal's License arrived this past week! It's 100% totally official! I can be a Principal if I want to! I'm certified PK-6 and 5-12! Keep your ears open!
Just kidding...
Kind of! :)
Who knows what my future holds!
Have a great Saturday!
April Writing Prompts
1 week ago